or if he was stating that law enforcement had no right to, say, seize assets from the perpetrators of the 2016 Bitfinex hack. Either way, he fails to acknowledge that much of the time when the government seizes crypto assets and then sells them later on, the proceeds are returned to the victims of the crime. Trump’s plan, at least as elucidated on stage in July, is to put a stop to this practice, and instead hold on to those assets that he himself stated had been stolen from people like those in the audience. It’s a weird plan, but I also hold a lot more skepticism that he will follow through with it than many in the crypto industry (who are in turn being heavily quoted by media with little scrutiny of their claims). To me, it seems like a hastily tacked-on promise likely to fall by the wayside with many others made by presidential candidates as they seek to court voters and donors on the campaign trail.