A four-panel comic showing the constellation Orion over time: Panel 1 ("Orion Today:") The classic shape of the Orion constellation as seen today is drawn in black dots connected by lines. Panel 2 ("Predicted Changes:") The stars are shown with slight adjustments in position. The red text "Star Movement" indicates the anticipated shifts, and "Star Death (Betelgeuse)" points to where Betelgeuse may eventually vanish. Panel 3 ("Orion in the Future:") The adjusted star positions form a slightly altered pattern. A note in red, "Suggested New Lines," implies a new arrangement for the constellation. Panel 4 Using the suggested new lines, Orion now resembles a T. rex. The stars are connected to outline the shape of a cartoonish green T. rex, with the star configuration adapted to match this new interpretation. Hidden text: "Dinosaur Cosmics"