I'm definitely seeing new followers. Hi! Thanks for coming here. I know it's fiddly but I think it's worth it.
Here's the most important tip I can give you:
\🥳/ HASHTAGS \🥳/
Like old Twitter, this place lives on hashtags. Here's how to use them:
1) Put tags on EVERYTHING you don't want hidden.
1A) Seriously. Everything. Keep them appropriate! But.
2) FOLLOW hashtags. That's a thing you can do here. You can follow a hashtag like you can follow a person. Type in the search box, select it, then click follow.
4) Whenever you see someone interesting on that hashtag? Follow them. Follow people WITH ABANDON. Unfollow if it doesn't work out, that's okay here!
That's it. Welcome!
#twitter #x #BlueSky #TwitterMigration