By Martin Mycielski, Polish #KOD resistance movement. All rights reserved. YEAR 1 under an authoritarian regime. what to expect? 1. They will come to power with a campaign based on fear, scaremongering and distorting the truth. Nevertheless, their victory will be achieved through a democratic electoral process. But beware, as this will be their argument every time you question the legitimacy of their actions. They will claim a mandate from the People to change the system. Remember - gaining power through a democratic ‘system does not give them permission to cross legal boundaries and undermine said democracy. 2. They will divide and rule. Their strength is in unity, in one voice and one ideology, and so should yours. They will call their supporters Patriots, the only “true Americans’. You will be labelled as traitors, enemies of the state, unpatriotic, the corrupt elite, the old regime trying to regain power. Their supporters will be the “People”, the ‘sovereign’ who chose their leaders. Don't let them divide You remember you're one People, one Nation, with one common good. 4. They will create chaos, maintain a constant sense of conflict and danger. It will be their argument to enact new authoritarian laws, each one further limiting your freedoms and civil liberties. See through the chaos, the fake danger, expose it before you wake up in a totalitarian, fascist state. and 5 more principles too long for this Alt Text by @mycielski