Werner Sembach explaining in one of the gitlab comments: No, Yes, Let me explain: tuxedo-drivers would not be accepted upstream as-is and would require partial rewrites, this comes with some downsides: Intricate knowlege of the whole historic and current cataloge of supported devices is needed to not introduce regressions. As upstreaming would most likley not happen at once, compatiblity with the tuxedo-drivers dkms package must be maintained at any given point in time. So we need to be included tightly in the upstreaming process anyways and well, ressources are, as always, limited. I would like to call upon the "Assume good faith" principle. tuxedo-drivers (formerly tuxedo-keyboard) was open source from day 1. We try our best to make tuxedo devices as compatible as possible and you can look at the code and use it to your desire under GPLv3 which we strongly respect. The plan hinted above was chosen to not bind unnecessary ressouces so we can spend more time on actually coding.