Sinwar's theory that directed violence would elevate the brutal reality of zionism for the world to see was proven undeniably correct. whether you characterize oct 7th al-aqgsa flood as blowback or as terrorism or as a jailbreak really doesn't matter- because the result chracterizes it more in line with John Brown at Harper's Ferry- an act of violence that brought forward a fundamentally humanitarian crisis (slavery in brown's case, apartheid in sinwar's) to the forefront and forced those who benefit from it to enact brutal violence in order to maintain the status quo. whether you think Sinwar is a guevarra/brown type figure or you view him as an osama style provacatuer is irrelevant- the global reckoning Israeli apartheid is facing on the world stage is a direct result of his actions. He successfully put Zionism on trial, both the verdict and the costs of his plan are for the future to judge now.