I have a few comments. First, by *area*, GOP support is far larger than Democratic support. Sparsely populated rural regions tend to support the GOP, while densely populated urban areas are democratic. So if you randomly push a destructive storm through a bunch of states, you’re almost certainly going to predominantly hammer GOP-leaning areas. Second, of course we can’t control the weather. Hurricanes are natural phenomena of enormous power that far exceed any possible human influence. There’s no mechanism to control a hurricane and no evidence that anyone was trying to modify it. This is just a crazy conspiracy theory. Statements like this are tragic. This is a real human disaster and Americans are suffering. Crazy conspiracy theories don’t help people recover. And they don’t help people prepare for a hotter future with more destructive hurricanes. MTG is in a position where she could actually make a difference, so it’s disappointing to see her spending time pushing sc