Infographic: The Electromagnetic Spectrum Wavelength ranges from 10^3 to 10^-12 meters on a logarithmic scale. Range includes Radio, Infrared, Visible, Ultraviolet, X-ray, and Gamma-ray light. Radio waves range from things the size of a soccer field (10^2 meters), to the size of a house (10 meters), to the size of a baseball (10^-1 meters). The temperature of something glowing at radio wavelengths is about -273˚C. Sources include AM radio, FM radio, and microwave ovens. Alma Receives wavelengths between 10^-2 and 10^-3. Infrared waves range from things the size of a period (10^-3 meters) to things the size of a cell (10^-5 meters). The temperature of something glowing at a wavelength of 10^-4 m is about -248˚C. Things that glow in infrared light include humans. The human eye receives visible light between 10^-6 and 10^-7 meters. Visible wavelengths range from things the size of bacteria to things the size of viruses. The temperature of something glowing in visible light is about 5720˚C. The sun glows in visible light. Ultraviolet light ranges from 10^-7 to 10^-8 meters. X-rays range from things the size of proteins (10^-8 meters) to things the size of water molecules (10^-10 meters). X-ray machines produce x-ray light. Gamma-rays are things the size of an atom (10^-8 meters) and smaller. The temperature of something glowing in gamma rays is about 10,000,000˚C. Radioactive elements produce gamma-rays.