A Facebook post which shares a Refugee Action post with a poster saying "End racist rhetoric. End racist riots." with a call to sign a petition against racist rhetoric in the media, parliament, and in general. The text I added into my share is as follows: "I've proudly supported Refugee Action for a number of years now, some of you may remember the fundraiser I did here a while ago. Needless to say, I think it's important that everybody stands up to be counted against racism in all its many forms. These are particularly nasty times as the most cruel hearted people in this country feel emboldened to harm others based on their race or identity, but they will soon learn that our communities coming together and supporting each other will always bring peace and prosperity for all. Each of us can do something towards that goal. It felt important to share this post, both in order to re-iterate that we have a 0 tolerance policy on racism here, and also to encourage you all to be actively anti-racist in this crucial moment. The sooner we all pull together to make a stand against the racism all around us instead of sitting on our hands and being complicit bystanders the sooner our streets will feel safe again x"