Then there's this ending no one accepts where she evaporates & becomes a spirit of the air & if kids are good she can get into heaven and be reunited with her prince there. Yeah. The one who didn't love her, like at all. Makes tons of sense. Before publication the last line was removed: "I myself shall strive to win an immortal soul, that in the world beyond | may be reunited... "... with him to whom I gave my whole heart." Yeah, Andersen wrote The Little Mermaid to give herself a way to feel fully human & united with a man who didn't love her. Girl. So | said I'd get to Edvard Collin's familiar sounding name. Twilight is Little Mermaid fanfic. No seriously. Bella wants to be a vampire and... everything works out and she's the best at it and there's no drama. It's bad fanfic, but still. And instead of being actually totally disinterested in her, Edvard Collin... sorry, Edward Cullen... is a stalker. But yeah that's the background of that particular piece of misogynist Mormon YA fiction. Since it's been coming up: I'm not saying HCA was trans in 1836, unlike biographers who focus on whether she was gay Quoted tweet: Btw | don't go in for the gay history tactic of declaring folks gay/trans posthumously. But I'm also not into declaring them cis & straight.