Image description LOCAL LAW NO.. A LOCAL LAW TO PROHIBIT THE USE OF A MASK OR FACIAL COVERING FOR THE PURPOSES OF CONCEALING AN INDIVIDUAL'S IDENTITY IN A PUBLIC PLACE BE IT ENACTED by the County Legislature of the County of Nassau, as follows: §1. Short Title. This law shall be known as the "Mask Transparency Act" and shall appear in the Miscellaneous Laws of Nassau County as Title 90. §2. Legislative Intent. This Legislature finds that masks and facial coverings that are not worn for health and safety concerns or for religious or celebratory purposes are often used as a predicate to harassing, menacing or criminal behavior. Therefore, the primary purpose of this law is to prohibit the wearing of masks or other facial covering in public unless such mask is worn for the purposes of protecting the wearer's health or safety or for religious or celebratory purposes. §3. Prohibition on wearing of masks or facial coverings for the purposes of concealing an individual's identity in public places.