nimbius 4 hours ago | parent | context | favorite | on: CrowdStrike fixes start at "reboot up to 15 times"... i work for a diesel truck maintenance and repair shop and its been hell on earth this morning. - our IT wizard says the fixes wont work on lathes/CNC systems. we may need to ship the controllers back to the manufacturer in Wisconsin. - AC is still not running. sent the apprentice to get fans from the shop floor. - building security alarms are still blaring, need to get a ladder to clip the horns and sirens on the outside of the building. still cant disarm anything. - still no phones. IT guy has set up two "emergency" is a literal rotary phone. stresses we still cannot call 911 or other offices. fire sprinklers will work, but no fire department will respond. - no email, no accounting, nothing. I am going to the bank after this to pick up cash so i can make payday for 14 shop technicians. was warned the bank likely would either not have enough, or would not be able to process the account (if they open at all today.) thepasswordis 4 hours ago | prev [–] Your IT wizard is probably wrong. There is a fix that involves booting into safe mode and deleting a file. Unless you have an encrypted file system this should be a relatively trivial fix. John23832 4 hours ago | parent | next [–] Machinery shipped to users usually do not allow for the users of the machinery to "boot into safemode". Thank John Deere and the anti-"Right to Repair" crowd for that.