A poster for the upcoming Jnktn.tv broadcast, happening this Saturday 13th July. It features 10 slots, starting from 1115 AM and finishing at 0200 AM. Jazzaria 2024: 1115 - 1230 Worky's Launch Mix: 1230 - 1430 Neon City Radio: 1430 - 1530 Get Ready with Andrina LIVE: 1530 - 1700 Unpopular Stream: 1700 - 1800 JC's Juicebox LIVE: 1800 - 2000 Fygma’s Garage Sale LIVE: 2000 - 2130 ARCHIVE/CUTS LIVE: 2130 - 2300 404 Not Found with ENOENT LIVE: 2300 - 0000 jumboshrimp LIVE: 0000 - 0200