A sort of Venn-ish diagram with two overlapping circles, one for AI maximalists and the other for AI skeptics. These are presented as thesis and antithesis. Each contains various qualities attributed to the shallow booster or the shallow skeptic, such as “Considers bad arguments against AI maximalism equivalent to good arguments for it” and “Advocates an IP law framework so harsh and intrusive that it makes Metallica seem like Phish”. Then, off to the side, there’s a third bubble, labeled synthesis, that clearly represents a self-regarding author and lightly satirizes my own sort of irritating enlightened centrist views, with entries such as “Knows that AI is just fancy curve-fitting and also knows that curve-fitting is crucial to addressing certain problems”. The overall tone is a sort of obliviously annoying look at different views in such a way as to make everyone, including those not represented, as angry as possible.