1. After Biden's widely panned debate performance, a bombshell dropped. Supreme Court justice John Roberts - Yo ho ho! From now on, everyone's favorite court will control the entire regulatory apparatus of the federal government! J-ROB out! FOOTNOTE - Overturning 40-year-old Chevron doctrine Justice Elena Kagan slaps forehead in frustration 2. Media reaction was swift. Pundit - Only someone with cognitive failure would put these judges in charge of the science of clean air and water. Pundit 2 - They're clearly unfit to run the court, let alone the EPA and FDA! 3. Newspaper headline on front page of the Press-Pontificator - FOR THE GOOD OF THE COUNTRY, WE MUST IMPEACH THE CORRUPT JUSTICES AND EXPAND THE SUPREME COURT Foreign diplomats issued statements. Diplomat - A disaster. 4. Sarcasm aside, the top criteria for evaluating any presidential nominee should be, will you fight to expand the court? Auditioning candidate at candidate tryouts - We must be very careful about respecting the legitimacy of -- Director sitting in director chair - NEXT! Meanwhile, SCOTUS pronounces Trump king!