We see a very colorful, complicated flower made of many squiggly parts. At its base is a skirt of white petals that spread wide and droop down. Layered on top of this is a "grass skirt" made of squiggly purple and white speckled tentacles. At the waist is a belt of short beet-colored anemone tentacles. Rising from the center of this is a short speckled white stalk like the stem of a mushroom. Atop this stalk is a shape like a green melon. From the melon's base, four yellow arms with magenta polka dots extend out and droop down. At the end of each arm, perpendicular to it, is a yellow banana-shaped object. From the top of the melon, four yellow shapes like sinuous giraffe legs extend out between the banana-holding arms. Each giraffe leg has a brown cloven hoof at its end.