Chart: Elevated Circulatory Causes of Death: Annualized Deviation from 2015-2019 Average Data: Centers for Disease Control, U.S. Census Bureau. Reflects death certs that do not identify covid as underlying cause. [ beadsland on Ko-fi ] Dashed lines for annual data for years 2015 (as of January 1, 2016) through 2020, with solid dots for annualized data weekly from January 2021 through late July 2023. [Six weeks of subsequent CDC data incomplete, thus omitted from this chart.] Dotted lines indicate trendlines from Jan 2020 forward, for each disease category. Legend: • Hypertensive disease (+31K more annualized deaths vs. 2019) • Cerebrovascular diseases (+13K) • Heart failure (+4K) • Ischemic heart disease (-3K) • Other diseases of the circulatory system (+7K) • Projected U.S. population Caption: Heart failure mortality stands out as having declined during the pandemic, remaining well below historical trendline to this day. Ischemic heart disease deaths increased during the first year, but have been more or less declining toward baseline since then. (Notably, ischemic heart disease is the only subgroup to have been on a downward trajectory pre-pandemic.) Hypertensive, cerebrovascular, and other diseases of the circulatory system, though each seeing declining annualized mortality in recent months, each remain well above their respective historical trendlines.