a menagerie of stickers on the back of a car, arranged such that they are overlapping from top to bottom, left to right it states, "Sometimes When i Close my eyes, I cant see.", "Mothman is real and he stole my catalytic converter", "no airbags, we die like real me", "Drive carefully, there is no heaven", "honk if youre honk", "NOTICE, thank you for noticing this notice. Your noticing of this notice has been noticed." "How's My Driving? How does an engine even work??? Why would a loving god cause such agony??", "John Keady's GM superstore, Davenport", A skeleton is present with a tv head that states "turn off the news", continuing below the skeleton are stickers that state "hot dog", "mothman ate my entire ass at denny's! it was a grand slam breakfast!", "A gas station", a check engine light is present, "Turn your computer off before midnight on 12/31/99, bestbuy", "I heart (in the shape of a moth" mothman"