Screenshot of spam email with just a list of random words: Inbox • 1 of 795: ojibwa marsiliaceae margins hitcher aldosteronism Yvette Barberis 1:26 PM to hello@small-t... amaryllis blubberer afterlove drooly refusal invader impatronize deke sphenogram semitonally moos stoveman curer transpicuously unfeasibleness ergotamine tercets trepidations acidimetrically dittany untashionableness flies bialate magicking remoted subfrontally rindless hermai jejunectomy pragmaticist ingathers vultur disenthronement godwits beleaguering soddy cell tricksier entoplastron chistera quarantining unbiting nonadventurously monstrous corncracker mesognathous stadiums culvertage patrilineage semitonally monophagous astrachan reply predecision kerchieves kahuna tercets stentoraphonic acierated diter