Hi, I am currently employed by a contracted company working for Twitter. As I'm sure you're aware, Elon Musk has recently bought Twitter and is making harsh and drastic changes that are affecting hundreds of Irish employees lives. The most recent of these decisions is that all employees must be in the office by Monday. Many of us work all around this country and are unable to do so. This is in the middle of a housing crisis that Musk has absolutely no idea about, and it is almost impossible to move to Dublin so quickly. This is putting us under an intense amount of stress and uncertainty and unfortunately, there is nothing we can do about it. One of the only things that Elon seems to react to is his own ego and the feeling of being unpopular on Twitter. As you have many followers, I wonder if you could tweet him, or put this up on your Instagram story for people to share. We feel completely helpless against this out of touch billionaire, and need support from our fellow people.