Unseen Poem OK. Turn the page. Right, here goes … The first line’s straightforward, I suppose. At least I know what the words all mean. It has an AA BB rhyming scheme. What’s that French word for when one line runs into the next? Jambon? Never mind. Susan Jenkins is smiling, I bet she knows. Oh great! Now the rhymes have disappeared and the language is getting more caliginous by the stanza. The voice keeps changing. At first, it was confident. But now it’s confused uncertain (?) and … hesitant? and as for this bit what was the poet even thinking? (I can only think they must have been drinking) Susan Jenkins needs more paper. I hate her. There are ten minutes left. What’s this poem all about anyway? No idea. I shall just have to guess. I’ll say it’s a metaphor for death. Brian Bilston