@dickgoblin • 2 hours ago Why do you keep saying genocide when the icj has not indicted isreal on that claim. REPLY 2 replies ^ 凸 @RebeccaWatson • 2 hours ago because I have eyes and a brain REPLY 4 : @Death TheKid6778 • 2 hours ago Not hard not to tell what is happening when the IDF is literally bragging about it. REPLY 2 @dickgoblin • 23 minutes ago @RebeccaWatson i just dont understand there is a court that determins wether or not that the claim of genocide is currently valid. You can say that you disagree with the ruling but explain why, you cant just say eyes and ears. If you claim to care about international law then you must repect the courts rulling. You cant just pick and choose which international law you agree with and disagree with. You sound like isreal. REPLY 凸 @dickgoblin • 9 minutes ago @DeathTheKid6778 If an american soldiers says " i want to kill all japs" is that genocide? No, genocide requires proving intent of upper echolons showing a top down effort to eridicate a group. REPLY 凸 @RebeccaWatson • O seconds ago I hope you remember the time you wasted looking this ignorant in YouTube comments in 20 years, when the entire world agrees that this was a genocide and wonders why no one stopped it.