A two-panel illustration showing the envelope scale area around a forming star at 100 astronomical units and 500 astronomical units. The 100 astronomical unit panel shows the area around a clump in the jet. A line traces a backwards C shape that fills most of the panel. The line is labeled "bow shock". To the left are a series of x and o shapes representing the pileup of gas. The o shapes are labeled "forbidden lines" the x shapes are labeled "H alpha emitting layer". Wavy lines show UV light traveling away from the shock. The 500 AU panel shows a wider view of the disk, jet, and cavity carved by the variable-velocity, clumpy, precessing jet. The flared disk extends horizontally and flares up vertically, creating a wedge shape. The edge of the disk is labeled "cavity wall". Clumps of material extend above and below the disk in a line at its center. The clumps are slightly misaligned from each other horizontally. An area at the edge of one clump is labeled "spur shock" the area at the edge of the topmost clump is labeled "bow shock"