Screenshot of a Threads post by stonekettle: I know it's disappointing Joe Biden hasn't been able to radically remake global geopolitics and put an end to an enormously complex conflict that has been raging for the better part of a century and perpetuated by people who have no real interest in ending it, or overhaul the American news media, or impose social consciousness on the obscenely wealthy, or eliminate racism, or wave his hand and appoint a Supreme Court to your liking. But, yeah, be mad, stay home, don't vote. That'll fix it. [redacted username quote post] No. It's been six months of documented slaughter and lies. And what has Biden come around to? Charging anti-Semitism. He fits your description above. How does Trump even have a chance? Don't blame anyone except the media who took down Hillary, the people who know they will get a tax break, the thumpers who want a simpler whiter past. Blame the supreme Court, [cut to fit alt text]