Calvin sells lemonade 1 - Suzy: 15 bucks a glass? Calvin: That's right! Want some? 2 - S: How do you justify charging 15 dollars? C: Supply and demand. 3 - S: Where's the demand?! I don't see any demand! C: There's LOTS of demand! 4 - S: Yeah? C: Sure! As the sole stockholder in this enterprise, I DEMAND monstrous profit on my investment! 5 - C: And as president and CEO of the company, I DEMAND an exorbitant annual salary! 6 - C: And as my own employee I DEMAND a high hourly wage and all sorts of company benefits and then there's overhead and actual production costs! 7 - S: But it looks like you just threw a lemon in some sludge water! C: Well, I have to cut expenses somewhere if I want to stay competitive. 8 - S: What if I got sick from that? C: "Caveat emptor" is the motto we stand behind! I'd have to charge more if we followed health and environmental regulations. 9 - S: You're out of your mind. I'm going home to drink something else. C: Sure! Put me out of a job! It's you anti-business types who ruin the economy! 10 - Calvin alone at his stand, in a bad mood. 11 - Calvin goes home. 12 - Calvin to Mom: "I need to be subsidized."