Chart: Estimated U.S. Variant Proportions by Common Name Sources: Centers for Disease Control, CoV-Lineages, World Health Network, others [ beadsland on Ko-fi ] Five rectangular tree-charts, side by side, for fortnights through Mar 31–Apr 13. Legend organized by subheadings, of color-grouped families. Percentages overlay each color key, reflecting share as of most recent tree-chart. Lineage of recombinant XBB, esp. Eris EG.5.1 family now all but entirely displaced by Pirola BA.2.86 clan, especially its grankid JN.1's family. Of three children broken out by CDC, JN.1.13 was quickly carving out its own share, JN.1.16 somewhat, JN.1.18 not so much. Legend chock full of XBB variants CDC continues to track into oblivion. Legend: BA.2.86.1 [browns]: 84% - JN.1 9% - JN.1.13 3% - JN.1.18 2% - JN.1.16 Omicron-2 [purples]: ⅒% - GE.1 0% - XBB.1.16.17, JF.1, XBB.1.16.6 / JF, XBB.1.16.15 / JM, XBB.1.16.11, HF.1 & other Arcturus XBB.1.16 0% - HV.1, JG.3, JD.1.1, EG.5, HK.3, Fornax FL.1.5.1 / HN, EG.5.1.8 / KB, Kraken XBB.1.5, GK.2, XBB.1.5.70 / GK, Hyperion-2 XBB.1.9.2 / EG, GK.1.1, Eris EG.5.1 & other Hyperion XBB.1.9.1 / FL ¼% - Centaurus BA.2.75 & other Omicron-2 BA.2 0% - other Acrux XBB 2.3 0% - other Gryphon XBB Omicron [blues]: ⅒% - BA.1.1 0% - Omicron-5 BA.5 ⅛% - other Omicron B.1.1.529 / BA Pirola [orange]: ⅒% - other Pirola BA.2.86 Other [grey] 2% - Other (not specified)