Chart: Rolling Year Pandemic Mortality: United States Data: CDC, NCHS, Census [ beadsland on Ko-fi ] Line chart plotting various mortality measures on a logarithmic scale, with reference percentages on right-axis. Legend: • Elevated Deaths vs. 2017-2019 (adj. for pop.) • Est. Excess Deaths — All Causes / Rolling Year • Acute Covid Deaths — Rolling Year • Share of Excess Deaths Not Attributed to Covid • Percent Elevation Observed Deaths over 2017-2019 Average First two figures held ~325K & ~190K, respectively, Feb-Jun '23—despite annual acute covid deaths down from ~190K to ~120K same period. Entering Aug, ~300K & ~150K—with 3rd down to ~100K when reporting ended in Sep. Now ~70K. Share of excess deaths held ~30% since May–Sep. Percent elevation observed deaths—over 20% mid 2022; ~11% Feb–Sep. Caption (in relevant part): As of April 1, over one in four excess deaths in the U.S. were “not covid”. This ratio had been above three in ten since May. That includes: covid deaths not reported as such or for which no covid test was administered; deaths from post-acute sequelae of prior covid infection (whether consequences of symptomatic Long Covid, post-acute organ damage not specifically identified as [LC] or otherwise asymptomatic, heightened risk for sudden adverse health outcomes); and deaths from causes that would otherwise had not been fatal but for deferred medical care, continued strain on understaffed hospitals, and inadequate availability of vital medical supplies.