Chart: Counties with Adult Hospitals Over or Near Capacity Data: U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services As of: Mar 23, 2024 [ beadsland on Ko-fi ] Chart consists of two columns of ten counties each, ranked by hospital capacity level and ICU capacity level, respectively. Includes a color scale of 7-day average adult inpatient beds occupied over 7-day average adult inpatient beds staffed for 48 contiguous states only. Scale runs from black (well over 140%), to purple (120%), to red (80%), to orange (50%), to yellow (10%). Patterns of black dots (•) and black circles with white fill (○) represent counties where adult ICUs are near full (80% and 90%, respectively); circles are filled in (●) where adult ICUs are entirely full. Sparse grey dots (⚪) show areas where no ICU beds are reported. Ranked by Hospital Capacity Level: ⬛⚪ ≥150% Seminole County, GA ⬛⚪ ≥150% Barton County, KS 🟪 111% Candler County, GA 🟪 110% Buchanan County, MO 🟪 105% Wise County, VA 🟪○ 104% Monroe County, NY 🟪 103% Union County, GA 🟪● 102% Smyth County, VA 🟪○ 102% Coffee County, GA 🟪● 101% Boone County, KY Ranked by ICU Capacity Level: 🟪● ≥150% Smyth County, VA 🟧● ≥150% Redwood County, MN 🟧● ≥150% Summit County, CO 🟥● 112% Montgomery County, AL 🟪● 105% Boone County, KY 🟥● 101% Twin Falls County, ID 🟪● 100% Anoka County, MN 🟪● 100% Whatcom County, WA 🟥● 100% Hopkins County, KY 🟪● 100% Warren County, MS