Chart: Unprecedented Capacity Crisis: Massachusetts General Data: U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services Line chart showing: (blue line) staffed adult inpatient beds; (red line) occupied adult patient beds; and (yellow line) inpatient capacity level. Annotations: December 2020: Mass. General sheds a quarter of their staffed beds. Staffed beds aren’t a measure of furniture. This is teams of medical professionals that were there to care for patients, and then… weren’t. [Blue line drops from around 1,200 to around 900.] December 2021: Governor Baker mobilizes National Guard to help hospitals with Omicron. [Blue line jumps by about 100 for less than a month.] “For the past 16 months, the MGH ED has operated nearly every day in ‘Code Help’ or ‘Capacity Disaster’ status, which represents critical levels of ED crowding.” ~ Press Release, Jan. 19, 2024 “‘Code Help’ occurs when inpatient beds and monitored hallway stretchers are full,” states the press release. Yet weekly capacity level, per data reported to HHS by MGH never peaked above 96% after Dec 2022. Press release continues: “‘Capacity Disaster” is triggered when the ED is full, all hallway stretchers are being used and there are more than 45 inpatients boarding in the ED awaiting a hospital bed” Yet weekly average data reported to HHS never reflect this.