The image is an infographic titled "How old the animals are when we kill them vs. Their natural lifetime." It shows a comparison between the age at which various farm animals are typically slaughtered and their potential lifespan if allowed to live naturally. Each pair of ages is represented by two colored bars (red for slaughter age, green for natural lifespan), with icons of animals next to them. The animals and ages listed are: - Pigs: 6 months vs. 12 years - Male dairy calves: 1-24 weeks vs. 20 years - Cows used for meat: 18 months vs. 20 years - Male egg chicks: 1 day vs. 12 years - Lambs: 6-8 months vs. 12 years - Chickens used for eggs: 1-2 years vs. 15 years - Turkeys: 5 months vs. 20 years - Cows used for milk: 4 years vs. 20 years - Chickens used for meat: 6 weeks vs. 8 years At the bottom is the URL ""