Chart: U.S. Share of 28-Day Covid Deaths Data: WHO (via Our World in Data), NCHS (via CDC), official srcs (via Wikipedia) [ beadsland on Ko-fi ] Shows covid 28-day mortality as reported for the U.S. as share of G7, G20, and global 28-day mortality, for 3 years through Feb 24, this being the most recent date on which at least 50% of world population was represented in weekly WHO reporting (see note regarding ◇ data points, below). Share of population for each comparison is provided for reference. With the end of PHE aggregate tracking, U.S. ceased reporting covid deaths to WHO. After 5/14/23, chart uses provisional covid deaths from NCHS. ◇ data points represent sum population (via Wikipedia) of those countries that reported at least one death in prior week, as percentage of world pop. [Down to near 55% as of Dec. Was 90% last Aug.] 7-day avg of U.S. share of G7 covid deaths at 94.2% , well exceeding share of pop. (~43%). Same date last year, share of G7 covid deaths was 38.9%. Avg. U.S. share of G20 covid deaths down to 77.1% (vs. ~7% of G20 population). Same date last year: 14.0%. U.S. share of global parallels: now 72.6% (vs. ~4% of pop.), with about 55% global reporting. This date last year, U.S. share of global covid deaths was 13.5% (with ~75% global reporting). All three metrics were near or below respective populations roughly May–Aug 2021; thereafter have been profoundly higher than population but for few troughs, including a data dump by China in May 2023.