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Decided this one is gonna likely be my next achievement grind.
The online achievements are piss easy though because no one plays Vanilla SF4 on Games for Windows Live anymore. Steam don't even sell it and now everyone just plays the Ultra version.
The only thing about this game that will be a pain is beating it on the hardest version and facing Gouken ( the requirements needed to fight him are tricky. ) and getting a gold on all the challenge mode events.
Vanilla SF4 was a pain in the ass to setup on my pc though because there are no .iso's of it anywhere that's easy to find and my pc has no optical drive so I had to go to a spare pc that had one and rip the disc using .img burn
After installing the .iso the game wouldn't work because the .exe had SUCKurom DRM so I had to get a no-cd crack that was clean. Someone had some old GFWL keys that weren't being used since SF4 is legacy activation so I used those to activate my account and a booster account. I do have a legit key I just didn't want to waste activations if I didn't have to.