David: Hey! Wow, your video editor looks incredible! And with ethic, I love it! I just tried it, and it is like a second skin, as if I used it over the last 10 years for all my videos! I'm sure my audience will enjoy segue/pre-roll or mid-roll of me doing demo about it. Your offer also sounds generous and promising. Thank you. Can you estimate an idea of a budget for a video that does 20K views? For how many seconds of adv? Let me know how to proceed to the next step! Can't wait to collaborate with such a cool project. Kdenlive: Thanks for the reply! We'd love to get a promotional pre-roll in your upcoming video. We have dubbed videos, and videos without voiceover. The duration of the pre-roll is 25 or 90 seconds. Can you please tell me what the price would be for each insert? David: 30 seconds looks to be the longer I can insert (I'm not ready for a 90 second). I propose 600€ (or 20€ per seconds if your clip is sized a bit differently). Let me know what you think about it.