An ImageMagick montage of 4 digital camera photos showing three people using two different comptuers. The top-left photo shows two primary school (one may be younger) children starting with tuxpaint, though the emacs splash screen is also there next to gpaste. The top-right photo is rotated to the left 90 degrees for some reason and has an over-the-shoulder view of an older woman doing Tetravex on an old Macbook. The bottom two photos show the little boy on and old EeePC using the mouse to play Swell Foop. In a group it is hard to focus enough to learn to play a new game, and do complicated games. Swell Foop was provided the easiest entry point. The MacBook froze with it once but I'm suprised that machine is working at all. It served well enough besides that one glitch last night. I have to put tuxpaint on the EeePC: It wasn't on there already like I though. Much to the disappointment of the boy who wanted to do Tux Paint like his older sister beside him. The EeePC starts out at high volume with TuxType, gotta do something about that...