Chart: Estimated U.S. Variant Proportions by Common Name Sources: Centers for Disease Control, CoV-Lineages, World Health Network, others [ beadsland on Ko-fi ] Five rectangular tree-charts, side by side, for fortnights through Feb 18–Mar 2. Legend organized by subheadings, of color-grouped families. Percentages overlay each color key, reflecting share as of most recent tree-chart. Eris EG.5.1 family had been gaining share steadily, now swamped by Omicron-2 child Pirola BA.2.86, almost entirely its grankid JN.1—from near imperceptibility in early and late October (chart begins entering January) to near 100% estimate entering March. Legend: BA.2.86.1 [browns]: 92% - JN.1 3% - JN.1.13 2% - JN.1.18 Omicron-2 [purples]: ⅝% - HV.1, JG.3, HK.3 & EG.5.1.8 / KB 0% - EG.5 0% - JF.1, Fornax FL.1.5.1 / HN, XBB.1.6.15 / JM, XBB.1.16.6 / JF, XBB.1.16.11, HF.1, Arcturus XBB.1.16, XBB.1.42.2 / HL, XBB.1.16.1 / FU & other Hyperion XBB.1.9.1 / FL ⅐% - JD.1.1, XBB.1.5.70 / GK, GK.1.1, GK.2, XBB.1.5.72, XBB.1.5.68 / HZ, XBB.1.5.10 & other Kraken XBB.1.5 0% - EG.6.1 & other Hyperion-2 XBB.1.9.2 / EG 0% - GE.1, Acrux XBB.2.3 & other Gryphon XBB ⅙% - Orthus CH.1.1 & other Omicron-2 BA.2 Pirola [orange]: ⅓% - other Pirola BA.2.86 Omicron [hatched greens]: 0% - BA.1.1 0% - Omicron 5 BA.5 0% - other Omicron B.1.1.529 / BA Other [grey] 1% - Other (not specified)