THE BICYCLE IN 1993. How the Wheel May Look One Hundred Years From Now. The bicycle of 1993 will be built on very much the same lines as the safety of 1893 i. e., with two small wheels very nearly of a size. This was the plan of the first machine built in 1817, and now after a lapse of 76 years we have come back to the original design. A machine on this plan can be built stronger and lighter than on any other model. With the weight between two wheels there is less vibration than when it is over either one of them, as in passing over an obstruction the weight is lifted only half the distance in the former case that it is in the latter. Then by the use of some alloy of greater tensile strength, weight for weight, than steel, and by filling the tires and the tubes in the framing with hydrogen instead of air, the weight of a road machine will be reduced to 10 pounds or less, while racing machines will not weigh half that much. The machine will also be made so that it can be folded up and carried about or stowed away in some corner. By improvements in the construction of the bearings of moving parts friction will be almost wholly eliminated, and the method of applying power will be so perfected that there will be absolutely no such thing as lost power. ...