Laurence Tribe: A brilliant retired lawyer, Albert T. Goins, has given me permission to quote excerpt from observations about Trump’s willingness to to give aid & support to those who would attack our allies: “Perhaps, Mr. Trump forgot (if he ever knew) that our internat obligations & treaties—such as those we undertook as members of NATO—are themselves supreme law of the land as recog at Article VI of our Constit. As so-called supremacy clause states in relevant part: “This Constitution, & the laws of US which shall be made in pursuance thereof; & all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of US, shall be supreme law of the land...” Article VI, Clause 2 of the Constit. Now Trump’s inane remarks are likely well w zone of protected polit speech under our 1A rights, but his S Carolina statement evinces Trump’s fundamental unfitness to serve as Pres—& reveals his willingness to turn our treaty obligations into a seamy political ‘protection racket. &, Trump’s claims that he would encourage an adversary to attack an ally based on his personal view that they were ‘delinquent’ in making financial contributions to that alliance raise more serious concerns. Trump’s statements in S Carolina may not themselves rise to the level of an insurrection, but they clearly reveal the fact that if he regains office Trump is poised to unravel the binding obligations which the Constitution has imposed upon every president from Washington to Biden.”