Page 18 of The Continent's Issue 134 Investigation File photo of Ethiopian army troops captioned "Road to war: Soldiers from the Ethiopian National Defence Forces. Photo: Amanuel Sileshi/AFP via Getty Images. Ethiopian forces implicated in war crimes in Amhara. Faced with another rebellion in the north, the Ethiopian government declared a state of emergency in the Amhara region last month and blocked the internet there. Despite this, The Continent has established the exact location and approximate date when soldiers - believed to be in the national army - were filmed committing a possible war crime. We have also independently collected multiple accounts of killings and gross human rights abuses in the region. Zecharias Zelalem The footage is grainy. But what it depicts is very clear: the apparent execution of two unarmed individuals in in broad daylight, by uniformed troops. Believed to have been filmed in the Amhara region of northern Ethiopia, it was widely circulated by Ethiopian social media users and has sparked outrage. An investigation by The Continent has confirmed that the footage was filmed in Debre Markos, a city in Amhara just a few kilometres from the local police...