30,000,000 in New York City in 2024, Predicts J.P. Day The year 2024 will find New York City with a population of 30,000,000 souls and adequate subway facilities to provide seats for all, according to Joseph P. Day, one of the largest real estate operators in the country. Mr. Day did not hazard a guess as to who would be Mayor in this millennial era of no transit problems. The prophecy was broadcast from station WNYC last night, and it disclosed interesting information relative to the manner in which the city's present modest population of 6,000,000 would swell 500 percent without undue growing pains or unpleasant results. The surface thoroughfares, he said, will be paralleled by underground streets and aerial walks between the upper floors of towering buildings. The airplane, now in its infancy, will speed the businessman from home to work and back again, and there will be a network of bridges spanning the Hudson and East rivers. --The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 17 December 1924