In the city of 2024, this authority predicts, there will be three-deck roads; speedways through the heart of town; skyscrapers with entrances for automobiles as high as 15 stories; monorail expresses to the suburbs replacing street cars and motor-omnibuses; ever-moving sidewalks and underground freight carriers which will go in all directions, serving all railroad stations and business districts, and which will replace to a large extent the heavy trucks and wagons of today. The city of 100 years from now, in fact, will have a good many big and little movements with meanings of their own only dimly intelligible. The Swedish architect is proceeding on the theory that motorcars are going to increase and multiply indefinitely. How can he be sure that by 2024 aircraft will have relegated the automobile to the limbo where old-fashioned horse and buggy now repose. --The Anaconda Standard, 10 January 1924