09:48 @ =+ all 65%m °s facebook.com/search_resu < (@ : ($s} Police Scotland Dumfries & Gal .. «+ Follow °-° Tonight (23/12/23) within Dumfries Town Centre, 'Street Pastors' will deploy during the busy night-time economy period to support our police resources. This initiative will see Street Pastors who are run by a Christian charity and independent from the Police and Local Authority patrol our streets. They will be on hand to provide safety for vulnerable persons, which includes handing out foil blankets to people who are exposed to the changing weather, giving out water and lollipops for energy, handing out flip flops to people who have taken their shoes off to reduce injury; responding to requests from the Police, or stewards for assistance with disorientated people; being present at potential conflicts to reduce and prevent violence; providing first aid where necessary and waiting for emergency services to arrive; liaising with friends or family members for safe meeting points or arranging taxis for those unable to get home unassisted. We look forward to their assistance tonight and hope our communities benefit from this initiative. #0perationComet #KeepingDnGSafe Ascension Trust - Scotland - E . - - = X ; ?_ 4 t - | = F = ' | 1 O <