"Uncomfortably numb? Dazed and confused? Is this real life or fantasy? You want to be sedated? Hello, darkness my old friend? Welcome to the jungle. Because volatility seems to be the new normal." - Futurist Jim Carroll
Fun fact - I was a roadie for KISS for a few concerts. Plus, for Canadian fans - for April Wine! I got to carry the bell from Ooowatanite onto a stage in front of about 10,000 fans. Maybe that's where I developed my love for the stage!
Back to today's post.
2025 sure has been interesting (is that an understatement?) so far! We are barely into the new year.
So while today I'm having fun with some classic music lyrics, I also see them as more than just artistic statements – they're barometers of our collective response to this unprecedented era of massive instability.
So let's take it apart.
What many of us might describe as feeling " uncomfortably numb" or "dazed and confused" reflects a deeper truth about our current reality. We're living in a time where geopolitical certainties are dissolving overnight, where established alliances are being tossed overboard without regard for what they might mean, and where the very foundations of global order are being questioned.
With that, the desire to "be sedated" is, for many, an understandable response to a world where every morning's headlines might bring news of another crisis, another shift in the global power balance, or another challenge to long-held assumptions. But seeking escape through inaction is precisely the wrong response - I learned that many years ago.
When people reference "darkness," they're often expressing their discomfort with uncertainty itself. We're in an era where supply chains can be disrupted by a single blocked canal, where regional conflicts can trigger global economic shockwaves, and where erratic leadership is quickly destroying whatever stability we had. It's easy to lose ourselves to the negative, particularly when there is so much of it about.
So "welcome to the jungle" indeed! But this jungle isn't about speed; it's about the jungle of unpredictability. I think we all need to develop what I call "volatility intelligence" – enhancing our ability to thrive not just in change, but in chaos.
So - here I go again - think about this ---> the future belongs not to those who can simply move fast, but to those who can navigate complexity and uncertainty.
The people who might thrive are those who can find clarity in the chaos, opportunity in the uncertainty, and purpose in periods of profound disruption.
This isn't just my normal optimism – it's how I'm trying to keep moving forward in this era of crazy global volatility.
Can you?
Futurist Jim Carroll looks back fondly at his short career as a ‘roadie.’
Original post - https://jimcarroll.com/2025/02/daily-inspiration-into-2025-uncomfortably-numb-dazed-and-confused-volatility-seems-to-be-the-new-normal/
So then @paulrickards and I were playing around trying to get our networks talking to each other.
After a couple of false starts, it turns out oldsk00l IP stuff *really* doesn't like any kind of NAT malarky, and I'm currently trapped behind carrier-level NAT that I can't do anything about.
So Paul did some digging and managed to whip up some sort of magic Python UDP tunnel and we've somehow managed to print to each other's ImageWriters across the Atlantic :D
I need to give a big thank you to the #Mastodon community.
A few weeks ago two of my relatives began identifying as #trans and if I hadn’t been here absorbing and learning for the past year I probably would not be as accepting and supportive of their choices as I am now.
I may have gotten there eventually but that’s not something I have to worry about.
So thank you to everyone here who opened my eyes and my mind. 🙏
If #alien life ever visits Earth the chances of being able to communicate with them is zero.
Why? Cats. Dogs. Cows. Horses. Goats.
Supposedly #intelligent humans have spent millennia engaging with domesticated animals who are genetically similar, have evolved in the same ecosystem and yet we have no real clue as to what they think, want or care about.
So if an #alien lands on Earth, what hubris makes us think we'll be able to converse with them or them believing they can converse with us?
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