Hello! Thank you for using mastodon.sdf.org. This is a friendly notice that we're going to be taking care of two things during a maintenance window on beginning November 23rd at 00:00:00 UTC into November 24th. This work will address some legacy issues with the database and allow us to make a successful migration to Mastodon v4.2.x We are currently running the v4.1.x branch which is still maintained and supported, but of course does not have the new features that were introduced in v4.2.x In order to prepare the database for a successful migration we will require the instance to be offline. In our non-production lab setup which mirrors the current configuration this work requires approximately 18 hours to reconcile inconsistencies in the very large 'accounts' table. Once those are corrected the migration runs successfully. The reason why 'accounts' is so large is that our instance began in April of 2017 and we're dealing with 1,310,608 known local and remote accounts. While not all of those accounts are in use today it is our responsibility to preserve their integrity. We are highly confident that the maintenance and upgrade will run successfully and have outlined the following for your reassurance: