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Today is Rhodesian Independence Day
There is a million things I could say about Rhodesia. a bit of which some of you may actually read! But I'll *TRY* to keep this brief.
Rhodesia's story was that of courage, perseverance, and sacrifice. A fight against all odds. When i think of it, it sounds not all too different to the story of a group of warriors outnumbered, swarmed, but still spirited, because they know that their end only serves as an example for those who still live.
Rhodesians did die. and Rhodesia is no longer with us. But its soul still lives in the hearts of those of our race who refuse to go gentle into the night, those who, although outnumbered in their own lands, made foreigners in places meant to be their homes, refuse to let the old fire die. So for that let us never forget Rhodesia.