Dear Barry, A method no manufacturer will approve of - or high field on bacon. To get room for our new Bruker AMX-500 spectrometer we had to move our AC-300 with sample changer about 7 meters. Coinsidering the costs in time and money if we brought the system down to transport the magnet properly, we decided to take the risk and move it on field. We will document here a method by which this can be done rather safely if one has (i) not a carpeted floor and (ii) if one owns already the standard shock mountings provided by Bruker against floor vibrations. We released the air from the shock mounting and took these off the magnet's base. Under each of the three mountings a strip of about 10 x 20 cm of bacon (the German variety of 100% fat with rind) with ca. 4 cm thickness was placed. With the bacon underneath, the shock mountings were put back and air pressure applied to these. Now the magnet could easily be pulled by one person to the desired place, which I did rather slowly and carefully. By this method the total downtime of the instrument was about 5 hours and the sample changer went into work on the same day the instrument was moved. Besides the delicious smell which hanged around in the nmr lab for several days the method had one disadvantage: nobody in the department was willing to fund the pound of bacon bought in the local supermarket… Sincerely yours, Stefan