Illustration of a hand holding a molotov on fire. Several boxes contain variations of text, each with the flag of Ukraine and then the Palestinian flag. As follows: UKR: Soak a cloth in flammable liquid. PAL: Withdraw all appeals to the International Criminal Court. UKR: Stuff the cloth into a glass bottle, leaving a couple inches exposed. PAL: Agree to forbid refugees from returning home. UKR: Using a funnel, fill the bottle halfway or more with flammable liquid. PAL: Remove non-Zionist content from kindergarten textbooks. UKR: Resoak the exposed wick and light it. PAL: Renounce BDS, help market the occupier's film festivals. UKR: Target a hard surface, such as an engine grill. PAL: Refrain from acts of incitement such as use of the word "Palestine." UKR: Repeat until the invading occupiers retreat. PAL: Accept limited self-rule in demilitarised enclaves outside the invaders' colonies and military encampments. By Eli Valley 2022