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@ripplestream @warrantcanary It's un-over!
They did start blocking Tor, though, so Fedilist now thinks it is up and down:
curl -s | mawk -F, 'NR==2{ts=systime()}NR>1{printf "%s to %s: %s is %-4s for %0.02f hours\n", strftime("%F %R", $2), strftime("%F %R", ts), $1, $4, (ts-$2)/3600}{ts=$2}' | tac
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@graf @SilSinn9801 @hj Ha, hj isn't new.
> last time this happened they were down for 3-4 days iirc, maybe 5
Or even
curl -s | mawk -F, 'NR>2{print strftime("%F %R", $2), $1, "is", $4, "for", (ts-$2)/3600, "hours"}{ts=$2}' | tac
Looks like they were down for at least two days September 2022. (There is some lag detecting state changes so as to avoid false-positives; it has to fail a few attempts before an instance is marked "down" and this usually takes a few hours.)