My belief is that this article presents publicly available information as revelations, juxtaposes unrelated events and opinions to insinuate conspiracy. There is no basis. Indeed, on close reading of the article there is not even an explicit accusation. It seems designed to give the impression of wrongdoing. Let me assure you – there is none. I am confident that the Honourable Members of the Parliament, those in the LIBE Committee, will judge the regulation on its merits, will continue to ensure the balance and the respect of all the fundamental rights at stake, regardless of sensationalist media, and will continue ensuring that children’s rights are treated equally to other fundamental rights. This is also the wish of the vast majority of EU citizens, as the recent Eurobarometer shows, who massively support the legislative proposal and the proper balance of all fundamental rights. It is therefore our shared responsibility as politicians to ensure that balance and do all we can to provide all children a future free from sexual abuse and its devastating, life-long consequences. Yours sincerely, Ylva Johansson