Honourable Members of the European Parliament, Thank you for your letter and the opportunity to comment. In your letter you express concerns regarding undue influence and economic interests in relation to the proposal for a Regulation laying down rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse. This proposal is about protecting children from sexual violence. At its core is the need to balance all fundamental rights at stake, including those of children. In preparation of this proposal the normal consultative procedures were followed. Those consultations were broad and objective. The media article you refer to, published in various versions by different media, is an attempt to misrepresent the normal consultative work of the Commission. In this case consultation with tech companies or with survivors of child sexual abuse. To ensure the collection of the necessary evidence to help ensure the balance of fundamental rights – like the right to physical and mental integrity of children and the right to privacy – the Commission conducted extensive consultations with a wide variety of stakeholders for two years during the preparation of the proposal.