Dear Commissioner Johansson, I am writing on behalf and by mandate of LIBE coordinators to express concern about recent reports published in press outlets that allegedly indicate a conflicts of interest with regard to the proposal for a Regulation laying down rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse (2022/0155(COD)). Those aforementioned media reports point to alleged close working relationships between the European Commission and a broad network of tech companies, foundations, security agencies and PR agencies, including Thorn and WeProtect Global Alliance, indicating possible undue influence in the drafting of the proposal. Of particular concern are the allegations that the solutions laid down in the legislative proposal to fight CSAM supposedly replicate the solutions designed by those groups, contributing thereby to furthering their economic interests. Therefore, I would kindly request to receive clarifications and explanations concerning the allegations described above. The LIBE coordinators would appreciate to receive a reply at your earliest convenience and ideally no later than one week from the receipt of this letter. We consider that your cooperation and timely reaction to this request would benefit transparency and accountability, values that are at the heart of the European Union’s actions. Yours sincerely, Juan Fernando LÓPEZ AGUILAR